

School Campus Clean Up Day

Weather permitting, we will be having a School Campus Cleanup Day on Saturday, July 27, in preparation for the start of the school year. Please join us in front of the school office at 8am Saturday morning (coffee, water and donuts will be provided). The chief projects will be relocating large amounts of school storage, and removing debris from the field across the street so its ready for athletic use. There will also be gardening, cleaning and painting. Please bring old work clothes that might get stained. …

Summer Office Hours

June 3 – August 9 PARISH OFFICE – 9am-1pm Monday through Friday SCHOOL OFFICE – 9am – 1pm Monday through Thursday, and by appointment *All offices will be closed July 1-5 for the July 4, Holiday* …

Organ Concert

Benjamin Phillips, OLR Organist and Choirmaster, will present an organ concert on Tuesday, June 18, at 7:00 p.m. in Upper Church. The program includes works by Bach, Brunckhorst, Guilmant, Richter, and Widor. This concert is free and open to the public. …

Swing Dance Classes

We are hosting weekly swing dance classes and dances on Wednesday nights at 7pm in the school gym. No prior experience is necessary and regular attendance is optional. This is a fun event for high schoolers, college students, young adults, adults, parents, grandparents, and friends. Please join us as we make our thriving community a bit more beautiful. …

School Uniform SALE July 14

SUNDAY, July 14, 9-10:30am in Guadalupe Hall Donate your students’ too small, but gently used uniforms, and swap or buy uniforms for next year! Drop off old uniforms on Sunday, June 30, from 9am-10:30am in Guadalupe Hall or in the school office by July 1. Only items that fall under current uniform policy for 2024-2025 will be accepted for the sale. Items WILL NOT be accepted the day of the sale. To receive credit for swap or volunteer hours, your family’s name and number of items must be clearly labeled in the bag. Contact Katie …

July 1-5 Schedule

The parish and school offices will be closed July 1-5, for the week of the July 4th holiday. The daily Masses will be celebrated at their usual times, however, there will NOT be a Mass on Thursday, July 4. Confessions and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will also be held at their usual times. …

Backpack and School Supplies Drive

Pastor Johnson with “Church Without Walls” is having a Backpack AND School Supply Drive for underserved children in our neighborhood. Public schools open on Thursday August 8, so the SVdP group will collect backpacks and school supplies after each of the weekend Masses on Saturday, August 3, and Sunday, August 4, only. Please see the SVdP representative after each of these Masses to make your donations. Please DO NOT bring anything to the Parish office. If you need to make other arrangements, please contact Marianne Stoddard at 864-360-2406.  Thanks so much for your …