To learn more about a particular ministry, click the link provided for the ministry or contact the parish office.
Abiding Together Prayer Group
Women gathering to pray for children and families from 6-8pm on Sundays.
Altar Servers
Boys in Grade 3 and up and have received First Holy Communion are invited to become altar servers.
Please contact the parish office for baptisms.
Please contact the parish office for funeral arrangements
Choir and Music Ministry
Our music ministry includes opportunities for children, teens, and adults.
Divine Mercy
The Divine Mercy chaplet is prayed after all daily Masses during the week, and a special event is held on Divine Mercy Sunday. A Divine Mercy Cenacle group meets biweekly in the Lower Church to pray, study the faith, and promote and participate in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The Cenacle has initiated a Divine Mercy Ministry of Prayer for the Dying, which is uniquely dedicated to praying the powerful prayers of the Divine Mercy Chaplet for persons near death. To request these prayers for someone you know, please call the parish office.
Eucharistic Adoration
Held on the First Friday of every month, 11am-5pm in Upper Church. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Wednesday from 7:15 am to 5:15 p.m., concluding with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and on Thursdays from 7-8pm in Lower Church.
Faith Formation
Religious formation for children and adults includes sacramental preparation, religious education for children K5-8th grade, and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Fellowship of St. Joseph
Our men’s group meets first and third Wednesday evening each month for prayer, fellowship, and growth in faith.
The Parish Finance Council advises the pastor on financial management of the parish and school.
Volunteers visit the housebound and take Holy Communion to the sick, elderly, and others unable to attend Mass.
High School Youth Group
All high school youth are welcome to meet for fellowship and growth in faith, on Sunday evenings in the Parish Center from 6-8pm. Learn more
Knights of Columbus
Membership is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years old.
Those who read the Word of God at Mass are specially trained assist in the liturgy.
Liturgical Decorating Committee
Parishioners donate their time to beautify the church for holy days and sacred times during the liturgical year.
Marian Devotion
Semi-annual Marian Tea is scheduled on a Saturday morning for tea, a special speaker, and pray the Rosary.
Middle School Youth Group
All are welcome for fellowship and growth in faith. We meet on Sunday evenings in Guadalupe Hall from 6-8pm. Learn more
Mother Teresa House
MTH provides a safe space for local residents to get referrals to other Greenville agencies offering a large variety of services to the poor and the disadvantaged. Learn more
Our Lady’s Prayer Warriors
Women of all ages are invited to join in this service, meeting after the Friday daily Mass.
Prison Ministry
Network of parishioners who minister to the imprisoned, supporting the spiritual well-being of inmates from both inside and outside the prison walls.
Respect Life
Activities include being prayer warriors, planning pro-life events, Marches for Life, Spiritual Adoption & Baby Shower, Elder Care Workshop, and the Infant of Prague Pro Life Devotion. Learn more
St. Martha’s Women’s Group
This group serves our parish by providing fellowship and outreach opportunities within the parish. Learn more
St. Vincent de Paul
SVdP is a lay organization that joins together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice. Learn more
Our Catholic school serves students grades K4-12. For more information, please go to the school website.
Secular Franciscans
The rule and life of the Secular Franciscans is to observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Please contact Valerie Baronkin, SFO Minister at 864.275.5505 for more information.
Seven Sisters Apostolate
This is a way of praying for our priests in the offering of Holy Hours each day of the week. “One Holy Hour/One Priest/Each Week/One Heart of Prayer.”
Third Sunday Brunch
Coffee and donuts are offered after the 10:30am Mass on the third Sunday of the month for a time of fellowship for all parishioners.
Men, women, and young people are welcome to serve at the weekend Masses.
Walking With Moms in Need
This program assists local pregnant and parenting women in need.
Young Adult Group
This group meets for prayer, fellowship and spiritual growth. Learn more