

Christmas Mass Schedule

Because the last Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve fall on the same day this year, some have asked about their Mass obligations for those days. Catholics are obliged to attend Mass every Sunday, including the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and they are also obliged to go to Mass for the Solemnity of Christmas. Those two obligations are distinct and have to be met separately. One Mass does not fulfill two obligations. Here is the schedule at OLR for those days: FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday, Dec. 23, 5:00pm (Vigil …

Pastor’s Letter, December 31, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, At this time of year, it is popular for writers to explain that Christmas is “just an old Roman mid-winter holiday” that the Christians adopted and adapted for their own use. “Nobody knows” they claim “when or where Jesus Christ was really born. The Catholic Church is just the old pagan religion wearing new clothes.”  This kind of anti-Catholic propaganda is commonplace, but those who propagate the untruths are ignorant of the facts. I’ve written elsewhere about how we know Jesus was born in late December, …

Pastor’s Letter, December 24, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The first three “First Things” were God, Light and Life. The last is Love. God is the source of all that is. He is the source of Light. He is the source of Life. He is the source of Love. St John the Evangelist says that not just that God loves or God is loving, but  “God IS Love.” This is profound stuff. What he is saying is that God’s very nature and being is pure, unconditional love. This Divine Love is not the sentimental stuff …

Pastor’s Letter, December 17, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The first two “First Things” for Advent were God and Light. The third “First Thing” to consider is Life. God created all things because his own life overflowed in the act of creation. That’s what Life does. It creates more life. Life is that indefinable essence that is infused into all things living. Where does life come from? It is easy to think that it comes from the natural processes of regeneration. A man and woman come together and a new life is formed. However, just …

Pastor’s Letter, December 10, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is traditional to preach during Advent on the “four Last Things”—Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. However, over the years I have turned this on its head to preach about “The Four First Things” During Advent we are meant to be watchful and alert, so it is worth looking at things from a fresh perspective and expect some Advent surprises. The first of the “First Things” is “God” who is the source of our existence. When he revealed himself to Moses at the burning bush God …

Advent Lessons and Carols, December 5

Our Lady of the Rosary presents Advent Lessons and Carols  Eleven choirs from Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church and School will present a service of Lessons and Carols for Advent  on Tuesday, December 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Church. This event is free and open to the public. …

Pastor’s Letter, December 3, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Every week in the bulletin we post simple financial statistics: How much we need to meet our budget and how much we have received in the past week. From time to time, it is worth sharing more detailed information so you can know how your gifts to the parish are being handled. Father Ballard is better at details than I am, so over the years I have relied on him to draft the annual budget. Together we plan the operating needs of the parish. These include overheads …

Pastor’s Letter, November 26, Fr. Ballard

Today is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the Church Year. Next Sunday, a new Church Year begins with the First Sunday of Advent on Dec. 3, 2023. That day will usher in a period of preparation for Christmas. Advent is a time that in some ways is analogous to the penitential preparations made for Easter during Lent, thus the use of the color violet and the omission of the Gloria in the liturgy. In order to be prepared to properly observe Advent, and to reap all of …