Marian Tea, Oct. 21, Sign Up Link

Please join us for a cup of tea and the Rosary on Saturday, October 21, at 10:30am in Guadalupe Hall. Our speaker is Kate O’Hare, long time LA-based entertainment journalist and creator of the Pax Culturati blog at the Catholic Channel at

Kate will look at the media phenomenon that happened in the wake of a young NFL player’s on-field emergency and how the power of prayer broke through. She has her hand on the vibe in Hollywood and you will not want to miss this event. Please reserve your spot today by texting “Save me a cup” to 864-525-7260 or by sign-up genius HERE

To learn more about Kate O’Hare visit her portfolio here: Kate O’Hare’s Portfolio (

Also, we are looking for several people to help with this event. If you want to help, please text “I can Help” to 864-525-7260.
