Pastor’s Letter, August 6, JohnMark Cayer, Dir. of Faith Formation

The Summer is ending, and with it comes the sought after stability of the school year with the reminder that we have forgotten much, and have a great deal to learn. Especially when it comes to the Faith, we have the wonderful opportunity to constantly grow further up and further in to our understanding of the Church and our Blessed Lord. St. Jerome is credited with saying that “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”. I would go further to say that ignorance of Christ is ignorance of Christ! It is necessary that we avail ourselves of every opportunity to come to a closer relationship with Christ by familiarizing ourselves with the Goods of our tradition, the Truths of our Faith, and the Beauty of the Church.

Here at Our Lady of the Rosary, we do our best to facilitate an ongoing catechesis from the womb to the tomb; from our Sunday Morning Catechesis program which serves K4-5th grade, to our Adult Education program which is open to anyone who desires a deeper understanding of Church teaching, culture, and history. We have something for everyone.

Allow me to give a brief overview of the various catechetical opportunities this fall…

-For children K4-5th grade, we have our Sunday Morning Catechesis which begins Sunday September 17, from 9:15am-10am. This is open to all children of the parish, and is necessary for non-OLR school children who need to receive their First Holy Communion in 2nd grade.

-For grades 6-8, we have our Middle School Youth Group which begins August 13, after the 5pm Holy Mass. Led by Mr. Joe Devine and his team, this is for all Middle School students and is necessary for those who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8th grade.

-Also, for those who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8th grade, we are hosting the Family Honor Program on September 27, October 4, and 11.

-For grades 9-12, we have our High School Youth Group which begins August 13, after the 5pm Holy Mass. Led by Mr. Dave Haggard and his team, this is for all High School students.

-For adults desiring further catechesis, we have our Adult Catechesis on Sunday Mornings at 9:15am starting on September 17. This semester we will be going through an overview of Catholic architecture with one of our more knowledgeable parishioners, Dr. Carolyn Watson.

-For adults interested in joining the Catholic Church or in receiving the rest of their sacraments, we have our Introduction to Catholicism class (RCIA) which begins September 20th at 7pm.

Christ desires to be known and loved, and it is necessary to know Christ in order to love him. Make liberal use of the many opportunities for catechesis that our parish has to offer. Sign up for a Holy Hour. Read the Scriptures. Engage in community. We are here to facilitate your ongoing catechesis and conversion, but you have to do the heavy lifting.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, would like to know more, would like to assist in any capacity, or would simply like to discuss the Faith then please contact JohnMark Cayer at or (864) 422-1648 ext 209 during normal office hours.
