Pastor’s Letter, June 18, Headmaster, Tommy Curtin

Brothers and Sisters,

I once again have the pleasure of addressing our parishioners regarding the state of Our Lady of the Rosary School. Over the next month, I will contribute a series of letters detailing how things are going and what we expect for the future. Thank you in advance for celebrating our school with me and praying we may continue doing the Lord’s work for the families we serve. 

The 2022-2023 school year culminated in the graduation of six seniors, our second graduating class since the founding of the Upper School in 2019. All six will be headed to college next year with our congratulations! 

Overall, we concluded this school year with 270 students, the largest enrollment in recent memory. While this number is impressive, I am more grateful that over 95% of our students come from Catholic families, the vast majority of whom devoutly practice their faith. 

At the heart of our success has been the school’s classical curriculum, now fully implemented at all grades K-12. Our parents and teachers are truly seeing the fruits of reading the Great Books, poetry recitation, memory work, Latin, and a daily devotion to truth, goodness, and beauty in all aspects of the academic program. 

An increasingly diverse array of extracurricular activities means that there is indeed something for everybody, the only drawback being that now parents must decide which of the wonderful options they will actually be able to fit into the family schedule. 

Finally, we end the school year in excellent shape financially both due to increased enrollment and the fundraising efforts that took the 1955 Annual Fund and School Gala to new heights. 

My next letter will share some of our exciting plans for the 2023-2024 school year. Praise God for His blessings. The future is bright indeed! 

Tommy Curtin

