Pastor’s Letter, November 19, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Seven years ago, on Advent Sunday 2016, the beautiful new Our Lady of the Rosary Church was dedicated. For over fifty years the people of OLR had prayed and worked and dreamed about worshipping in a building worthy of Our Lord and his Blessed Mother and finally, after much sacrifice and hard work, the prayers were answered and the dreams completed.

Since then, the ministry of our parish and school has continued to advance, and now to meet the growing need, the dated and crumbling buildings on our campus are up for renewal and re-building.

This weekend we have made available the revised drawings for our parish and school building program. This is an ambitious project which will benefit everyone at Our Lady of the Rosary as our parish and school continues to prosper.

I firmly believe this project can only succeed if all of us get involved with interest, enthusiasm, investment, and prayer.

With this in mind, as we approach the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, I would like us to join in a novena of prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Each day, starting on Wednesday, November 29, we will send an email with the day’s Novena Prayer. On Advent Sunday, as we celebrate the seventh anniversary of the dedication of our new church, we will offer special prayers at all the weekend Masses.

Then for the Holy Day of Obligation on December 8, we will email the prayers for the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I would ask you to say these prayers as individuals and as a family. Then, at the Masses for the Immaculate Conception, we will invite all who wish to, to make an Act of Consecration as we consecrate the parish and the school and our building program to her Immaculate Heart.

Mary promised at Fatima that her Immaculate Heart will triumph, so please join us in this parish and school consecration as we celebrate the new Our Lady of the Rosary Church and look forward to triumphing over all obstacles in the building project of our new parish and school facilities.

Your Pastor,

Fr. Longenecker
