JohnMark Cayer

JohnMark Cayer
Director of Faith Formation
  • 864 422 1648 ext. 209

An alumus from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Mr. Cayer is a cradle Catholic from a large family in the sunny State of Florida. A jack of all trades, Mr. Cayer has a BA in Humanities and Catholic Culture, is a licensed medical laser therapist, has driven trucks filled with liturgical equipment for the St Paul’s Center of Biblical Theology, is the editor-in-chief of a small poetry publication Kingfisher Poetry Publications, and is an amateur carpenter and wood-burner. He loves to garden and you may see him around the parish campus tending his numerous small garden beds. Please don’t run over his berry bushes.

He is responsible for all catechetical formation of the faithful at OLR from the womb to the tomb. He oversees our Sunday School programs, the religious formation at OLR school, the Middle School youth group, Sacramental prep for First Holy Communion and Confirmation, as well as running our RCIA program for those interested in joining the Catholic Church.

Mr. Cayer has been working in various parish communities for eight years as a volunteer in catechetical and youth ministry roles. He is excited to bring his experience and love of the Faith to OLR, to a rich community which is already centered on Christ.
