Author: Donna Craft


First Communion Sunday Catechesis

Sunday Catechesis for First Communion starts on Sunday, September 22. Please register HERE by September 1. Contact JohnMark Cayer if you have any questions at …

School Uniform SALE July 14

SUNDAY, July 14, 9-10:30am in Guadalupe Hall Donate your students’ too small, but gently used uniforms, and swap or buy uniforms for next year! Drop off old uniforms on Sunday, June 30, from 9am-10:30am in Guadalupe Hall or in the school office by July 1. Only items that fall under current uniform policy for 2024-2025 will be accepted for the sale. Items WILL NOT be accepted the day of the sale. To receive credit for swap or volunteer hours, your family’s name and number of items must be clearly labeled in the bag. Contact Katie …

July 1-5 Schedule

The parish and school offices will be closed July 1-5, for the week of the July 4th holiday. The daily Masses will be celebrated at their usual times, however, there will NOT be a Mass on Thursday, July 4. Confessions and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will also be held at their usual times. …

Italian Dinner on May 3

The Knights of Columbus will serve an Italian dinner in the OLR gym on Friday, May 3, at 6:00pm. Choice of meatball and spaghetti or chicken parmesan with salad and dessert. Beer and wine will be available. Going to OLR’s school play that night? Come eat with us – we’ll get you out in plenty of time. Adults – $10, children under 12 – $7, families – $45. Proceeds will benefit local special needs charities. Takeout available. …

Shrine of Divine Mercy at OLR

Why Does Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church Have a Shrine of Divine Mercy? You are probably familiar with many kinds of shrines: home altars, historical shrines of antiquity, roadside shrines that pop up to memorialize the death of someone important, and pilgrimage shrines commemorating saints and sites of religious significance. What all these shrines have in common is that they are places of memory and veneration. Our Lady of the Rosary’s Shrine of Divine Mercy, located in the Lower Church, is, first and foremost, a shrine to Jesus, …

Easter Baskets Needed

As part of your almsgiving this Lent, Pastor Johnson from Church Without Walls is asking for Easter Baskets in addition to the ones provided by the St. Martha’s Women’s Group and OLR St. Vincent dePaul Society. These baskets are for underprivileged children in our community.  We need small baskets or pails with a few candy filled Easter eggs, a small toy (like playdough, coloring books, crayons, bubbles, etc.) some jellybeans and/or chocolate eggs and a small stuffed animal (if possible). A table will be set up after each Mass on March 9-10 to …

Prison Ministry Expanding

We need your help with visiting the imprisoned, a corporal work of mercy! Consider joining OLR’’s prison ministry! In this important this ministry, you can do one or more of the following: If you are interested in one or more of the above tasks, please email Brian Hansen at or Tom Kenny at . We will help you make it happen! …