Author: Donna Craft


Pastor’s Letter, October 1, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As we prepare for spiritual battle, we should remember that we do not fight alone. Time and again the Bible reminds us that there is “war in heaven” (Rev. 12:7) Satan and his demons are in battle with Michael and the angels. This is part of the historic faith down through the ages and the lives of the saints, witness to the reality of the conflict going on in the unseen realm. We join our prayers with those of the saints and angels as they engage …

Pastor’s Letter, September 24, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In his epistle to the Ephesians St. Paul sets out the need for spiritual warfare. He writes, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able …

Pastor’s Letter, September 17, St. Vincent de Paul Society,

The Pastor’s Letter this week is from Peg Verranault, President of the OLR St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at OLR was founded in 1993 in the old white house that was the original OLR Church, and has been serving the needy in the surrounding neighborhoods for the past 30 years. Those who were instrumental in founding the conference and the first Vincentians at OLR were Anne Sokol, Marianne Stoddard, Pat Conrad and Jim Cooper, who was also the first president. The society at …

Pastor’s Letter, September 10, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I love the great hymn For All the Saints–especially the second verse: O may your soldiers, faithful true and bold Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old And win with them the victor’s crown of gold Alleluia, Alleluia! The lives of all the saints exhibit an awareness of the need for battle. Even the Little Flower–Therese of Lisieux says, “Sanctity! It must be won at the point of a sword!”  Therefore, to make spiritual progress with the saints, we have to engage in battle. The …

Pastor’s Letter, September 3, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our society, which emphasizes kindness and gentleness we often forget an aspect of our faith which is summed up in the phrase, “the Church Militant.” Christians today are inclined to turn away from old fashioned hymns like “Onward Christian Soldiers”, “Fight the Good Fight” or “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, You Soldiers of the Cross”. We find it difficult to align a religion of forgiveness and tolerance with a religion that encounters enemies, expects conflict and marches confidently to war. We’re especially reluctant to …

Pastor’s Letter, August 27, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, When I was a kid September meant “Back to School”. After the luxury of the lazy summer days, it was back to work and back to busy schedules. In the years since then the start of school has moved earlier and earlier—eroding the summer vacation for our kids. OLR school got started last week and it has been a joy to see so many boys and girls filling our classrooms. Over 300 are enrolled this year and we are bursting at the seams! Mr. Curtin’s strategy …

Pastor’s Letter, August 20, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the months to come there will be increasing opportunities to support the work of our parish financially. As the parish and school continue to grow the demands for new ministries and facilities will increase. In the light of this I would like to share a personal story about Christian giving.  My Father was a successful Christian businessman. It was his practice to give 15% of his income to the Lord’s work. While I say he was a success—it was not always so. For some time in …

Pastor’s Letter, August 13, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The other day someone asked me, “What is your vision for OLR parish?”  I answered, “In the sixth century the great Roman Empire was disintegrating as a result of unlimited power, untold wealth and widespread moral degeneracy. The infrastructures were failing. Politicians were corrupt, the old religions were moribund and indifferent. The barbarians were encroaching and there was widespread fear, despair and collapse of civilization.” St. Benedict of Nursia went out from Rome and began to establish small monastic communities in the hills of Rome. His …

Pastor’s Letter, August 6, JohnMark Cayer, Dir. of Faith Formation

The Summer is ending, and with it comes the sought after stability of the school year with the reminder that we have forgotten much, and have a great deal to learn. Especially when it comes to the Faith, we have the wonderful opportunity to constantly grow further up and further in to our understanding of the Church and our Blessed Lord. St. Jerome is credited with saying that “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”. I would go further to say that ignorance of Christ is ignorance of Christ! It …

Pastor’s Letter, July 30, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Earlier this summer our Headmaster, Tommy Curtin, wrote a series of letters bringing you up to date on the developments at OLR school. At that point we were unsure whether we would be able to acquire the five acre plot across Frontage Road from our property. Even if we were able to obtain that land, it was not clear exactly how to use the new acreage. Should the new school be built there or keep that space for future development? In March we had a meeting …

Youth Group, Fall 2023 Announcements

Save the Date for HS Youth Group! Are you an incoming freshman-senior student? If so, mark your calendars for our kickoff meeting Sunday August 13, and our Youth Day Away at Camp Awanita on August 19. For most young adults, the time in high school can be a “make or break” period in one’s faith. The Youth Group at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish provides a place where you can ask the difficult questions: what is my purpose? Who and what is God? Should I persevere in Catholicism? Is …