Author: Donna Craft


Thanksgiving Schedules

The 6:00 pm Mass on Wednesday, Nov. 22, will be celebrated as a Mass of Thanksgiving. There will be NO daily Mass on Thursday, Nov. 23, however, the daily Mass on Friday, Nov. 24, will be celebrated as usual in Lower Church. School and Parish Offices will be closed Nov. 22-24, and will reopen on Monday, Nov. 27. School will be dismissed at NOON on Tuesday, Nov. 21, and closed through the holidays, with classes resuming on Monday, Nov. 27. …

Pastor’s Letter, November 5, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Every year in October the folks at the Diocese require us to take attendance at all the masses. This is a good opportunity to gather statistics to see how we’re doing. This year’s October Mass count included the new weekend Mass at 8 am. The average number of people attending the Saturday vigil Mass was 193. On Sunday at 8:00 the average attendance was 170. At 10:30, an average of 438 attended Mass and at 5:00 on Sunday the average number was 271. This indicates a …

Knights of Columbus, Spaghetti Supper Special Needs Fundraiser

The Knights of Columbus will hold a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 18, after the 5:00pm Mass in the OLR gym. Proceeds will benefit special needs charities including Special Olympics. Beer and wine will be available. Adult meals are $10, children under 12 are $7, families are $45. Please RSVP – not required but appreciated. …

All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, An Explanation

All Saints’ Day All Saints’ Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. Holy Days of Obligation are feast days on which Catholics are required to attend Mass (unless they are sick or have another valid reason for not attending) and to avoid, to the extent that they are able, all servile work. At OLR we will have three Masses on this day: 10:00 a.m. (which will also be the school Mass); 12 noon; and 7:00 p.m. All of the Masses will be in the upper church. As a special feature …

Ministry of Divine Mercy for the Dying

The bedside of a dying loved one is an anguished place to be. We are torn, hoping and praying for healing, trying to think of everything we can do to bring comfort: spoon-feeding for nourishment, fetching another blanket for warmth, offering assistance to sit up or get out of bed. We resist the thought that our loved one will die, that it is time to call a priest. Yet of all the things you could do in these moments, the most important is to pray for the soul of your …

Pastor’s Letter, October 29, Eric Bricco, Deacon in Training

My friends in Christ, This weekend is particularly joyous for our Parish as diaconate candidate Brian Hansen will receive the institution of lector and I will receive the institution of acolyte. These ministries hold for us a profound meaning as they are the steps taken toward ordination into the Permanent Diaconate for the Diocese. In the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, St. Pope Paul VI re-instituted the permanent diaconate setting the necessary parameters for formation. In his motu propio, Ministeria Quaedam, he suppresses the original four …

Pastor’s Letter, October 22, Brian Hansen, Deacon in Training

This week the Pastor’s Letter is from Brian Hansen, Deacon in Training Explaining the Ministry of Lector By way of introduction, I am a long-time parishioner of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish and a candidate for the Permanent Diaconate. God willing, I will be ordained as a deacon for the Diocese of Charleston in February 2026. Formation for the Permanent Diaconate in our diocese is a five-year process involving a period of discerning God’s calling followed by formal education leading to a Master of Arts degree in theology, along …

Pastor’s Letter, October 15, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, From time to time it is important to be reminded of the church’s ministry to the sick, the dying and the dead. All of us are to be mindful of our deaths and the deaths of our loved ones, and it is a great comfort to know that the Good Shepherd walks with us through the valley of the shadow of death. If you or a loved one are facing a serious surgery or a serious illness please contact the parish office and request one of …

Marian Tea, Oct. 21, Sign Up Link

Please join us for a cup of tea and the Rosary on Saturday, October 21, at 10:30am in Guadalupe Hall. Our speaker is Kate O’Hare, long time LA-based entertainment journalist and creator of the Pax Culturati blog at the Catholic Channel at Kate will look at the media phenomenon that happened in the wake of a young NFL player’s on-field emergency and how the power of prayer broke through. She has her hand on the vibe in Hollywood and you will not want to miss this event. Please reserve your spot today by …

Pastor’s Letter, October 8, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, St. Michael the Archangel is always pictured skewering Satan with his spear, but the other great warrior in the spiritual battle is the Blessed Virgin. She is pictured trampling the serpent under her feet in fulfillment of the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 where God tells the serpent that there will be enmity between him and the woman and she will trample the serpent underfoot. This is why our image of Our Lady of the Rosary shows her holding her son and trampling the serpent. Popes and …

Church League Basketball for Youth, (CLBBY) Info and Sign-ups

OLR participates in the CLBBY (Church League Basketball for Youth) program. If you would like your son or daughter to play this fall, please use the sign up link below. We have several spots open for K5-5th grade aged girls and boys.  Teams will practice once a week, usually on Sundays at the OLR gym after the 10:30am Mass and before 5:00pm Mass. Games are scheduled by CLBBY and take place on Saturdays at various gyms in Greenville on November 11, 18, December 2, 9, 16, January 6, 20, 27. For specific …