

Pastor’s Letter, August 20, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the months to come there will be increasing opportunities to support the work of our parish financially. As the parish and school continue to grow the demands for new ministries and facilities will increase. In the light of this I would like to share a personal story about Christian giving.  My Father was a successful Christian businessman. It was his practice to give 15% of his income to the Lord’s work. While I say he was a success—it was not always so. For some time in …

Pastor’s Letter, August 13, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The other day someone asked me, “What is your vision for OLR parish?”  I answered, “In the sixth century the great Roman Empire was disintegrating as a result of unlimited power, untold wealth and widespread moral degeneracy. The infrastructures were failing. Politicians were corrupt, the old religions were moribund and indifferent. The barbarians were encroaching and there was widespread fear, despair and collapse of civilization.” St. Benedict of Nursia went out from Rome and began to establish small monastic communities in the hills of Rome. His …

Pastor’s Letter, August 6, JohnMark Cayer, Dir. of Faith Formation

The Summer is ending, and with it comes the sought after stability of the school year with the reminder that we have forgotten much, and have a great deal to learn. Especially when it comes to the Faith, we have the wonderful opportunity to constantly grow further up and further in to our understanding of the Church and our Blessed Lord. St. Jerome is credited with saying that “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”. I would go further to say that ignorance of Christ is ignorance of Christ! It …

Pastor’s Letter, July 30, Fr. Longenecker

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Earlier this summer our Headmaster, Tommy Curtin, wrote a series of letters bringing you up to date on the developments at OLR school. At that point we were unsure whether we would be able to acquire the five acre plot across Frontage Road from our property. Even if we were able to obtain that land, it was not clear exactly how to use the new acreage. Should the new school be built there or keep that space for future development? In March we had a meeting …

Youth Group, Fall 2023 Announcements

Save the Date for HS Youth Group! Are you an incoming freshman-senior student? If so, mark your calendars for our kickoff meeting Sunday August 13, and our Youth Day Away at Camp Awanita on August 19. For most young adults, the time in high school can be a “make or break” period in one’s faith. The Youth Group at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish provides a place where you can ask the difficult questions: what is my purpose? Who and what is God? Should I persevere in Catholicism? Is …

Pastor’s Letter, July 16, Headmaster, Tommy Curtin

In my last letter, I argued that OLR school offers an education that is fundamentally different from and superior to the pagan education of the public school system. We achieve this through an academic program that is at once Catholic and classical. Those reading these words likely have a good sense of what it means to receive a Catholic education. The doctrines of the Church are clearly taught in the classroom, validated by the words of scripture and the lives of the saints. While this teaching is being received by …

Pastor’s Letter, July 9, Headmaster, Tommy Curtin

Imagine a planet where a large portion of the population is both highly educated and believed and did patently absurd things. In fact, the more years the inhabitants spent receiving this planet’s education, the more likely they were to become illogical and narcissistic. A visitor to such a planet might reasonably conclude that the “education” in question was the very thing producing these results. In other words, the activity the inhabitants called education was not in fact creating well-educated people. It was creating the exact opposite.  Welcome to Planet Earth, …

Pastor’s Letter, July 2, Headmaster, Tommy Curtin

It is hard not to notice that Our Lady of the Rosary Church has added many families to the congregation over the last few years. Something is attracting families, not just from within Greenville, but from across the country. I have heard OLR called a “Unicorn.” This term describes a community that combines all desirable traits in one place: reverent liturgy, faithful families, holy clergy, lovely music, charitable ministries, and classical Catholic education, within a livable city and state. And like unicorns, they basically don’t exist in real life. OLR’s …

Pastor’s Letter, June 25, Headmaster, Tommy Curtin

Last week I shared some highlights from the school year just concluded. In this letter, we look forward to the year to come.  Overall, OLR’s enrollment will increase to over 300 students, nearing the maximum we can support in our existing buildings. The high school will reach 80 students, including 17 seniors! It is hard to believe that, with the 2023-2024 school year, our new Upper School program is already close to capacity.  In fact, many grades now operate on a waiting list. At present we are full at grades, 3, 5, 6, 7, …

Pastor’s Letter, June 18, Headmaster, Tommy Curtin

Brothers and Sisters, I once again have the pleasure of addressing our parishioners regarding the state of Our Lady of the Rosary School. Over the next month, I will contribute a series of letters detailing how things are going and what we expect for the future. Thank you in advance for celebrating our school with me and praying we may continue doing the Lord’s work for the families we serve.  The 2022-2023 school year culminated in the graduation of six seniors, our second graduating class since the founding of the …

Special Prayers for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday, June 16

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the light of recent blasphemies and displays of anti-Catholic bigotry and immorality in our country, the bishops have asked Catholics to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart tomorrow on the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The Litany can be found HERE and we ask you to pray the litany in your homes if you are not able to attend Mass tomorrow at 10 am. Fr. LongeneckerThe bishops’ invitation to the faithful follows:“Catholic Christians traditionally recognize June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. During …

Pastor’s Letter, June 11

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this feast of Corpus Christi it is important for us to re-affirm our belief in the Real Sacramental Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Body Blood Soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and to distinguish our belief from the opinions held by our non Catholic brothers and sisters. Many Protestants will say they believe in “The Real Presence” but they probably do NOT mean what we mean when we speak of the “Real Presence”. The Catholic Church teaches that at a valid Catholic …